Events > Benefit Concert
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Palace Theatre in Grapevine, Texas
Thank you to everyone who supported our Songs & Smiles Benefit Concert. Special thanks to all of our Gold Level, Silver Level and Bronze Level Encouragers. We couldn’t do this without you.
When you support Songs & Smiles, you support families during the Alzheimer’s journey. If you attended the event on November 3, 2022, you made an impact while enjoying an uplifting night of music and comedy.
We were joined that evening by Branson comedian Ted Cunningham and Nashville musicians Johnny Meyer and Mary Meyer, along with Jimmy & Cheyenne from That Dalton Gang. Songs & Smiles co-founder Eric Kolb, accompanied by pianist David Meyer, also performed several songs that evening, and we debuted our new Songs & Smiles video on the big screen at the Palace Theatre.